Access the $G7 token’s CoinMarketCap page at [insert link here].
Locate the Token’s Contract Information:
Scroll down to the Contracts section, where you’ll see icons representing different networks (e.g., Ethereum, Arbitrum, etc.).
Click More if you don’t see all available networks at first.
Add the Token to MetaMask:
Next to the contract address for each network, you’ll see a MetaMask icon (fox logo).
Simply click on this icon for the desired network (e.g., Ethereum, Arbitrum, G7 Network).
A MetaMask will open, prompting you to Add Token to your wallet.
Confirm by clicking Add Token in MetaMask.
Repeat these steps for each network where the $G7 token is available (G7 Network, Ethereum, and Arbitrum) if you want the token accessible on all networks within your MetaMask wallet.
Access the $G7 token’s CoinGecko page:
Locate the Token’s Contract Information:
Scroll down to the Contract section under Info, where you’ll see icons representing different networks and the respective token address (e.g., Ethereum, Arbitrum, etc.).
Click “…” to other networks for the token.
Add the Token to MetaMask:
Next to the contract address for each network, you’ll see a MetaMask icon (fox logo).
Make sure your wallet is on the correct network for the token you wish to add, and click on this icon for the desired network (e.g., Ethereum, Arbitrum, G7 Network).
A MetaMask will open, prompting you to Add Token to your wallet.
Confirm by clicking Add Token in MetaMask.
Learn how to add the $G7 token on Ethereum to MetaMask. Follow our simple steps for seamless token integration.
Switch MetaMask to the Ethereum Mainnet.
Go to Assets and scroll down to Import tokens.
Under Custom Token, enter the Ethereum contract address for $G7.
Contract Address: 0x12c88a3C30A7AaBC1dd7f2c08a97145F5DCcD830
MetaMask should populate the token details (Symbol: G7, Decimals).
Click Add Custom Token and Import Tokens.
Your $G7 token will now be visible in your wallet on Ethereum.
Learn how to add the G7 Network and $G7 token to MetaMask effortlessly. Follow our simple guide for seamless integration.
✨ Cheat Code: Visit$G7 and click "Add to MetaMask" for an easy automated way to add both the network and the token to MetaMask! Look for the following banner. ✨
1. Adding the G7 Network to MetaMask
Open MetaMask and go to Settings > Networks > Add Network.
Enter the following G7 Network details:
Network Name: G7 Network
Chain ID: [2187]
Currency Symbol: G7
Block Explorer URL: []
Click Save. Now you should see the G7 Network as an option in MetaMask.
Note: As the $G7 token is the native token of the G7 Network, the token will already be visible when connected to the G7 Network.
Easily access $G7 token across multiple networks: G7 Network, Ethereum, and Arbitrum.
The $G7 token exists across multiple blockchains. It's the native token of the G7 Network, and deployed as an ERC-20 token on Ethereum (Layer 1), and Arbitrum One (Layer 2). The G7 Network is an Arbitrum Orbit Layer 3, optimized for high-speed and cost-efficient transactions.
$G7 ERC-20 Contract Addresses:
Ethereum : [0x12c88a3C30A7AaBC1dd7f2c08a97145F5DCcD830
Arbitrum One: [0xF18e4466F26B4cA55bbAb890b314a54976E45B17
If you have a balance of $G7 in your wallet, you will likely be prompted by your wallet to make the token and its balance visible, with the token being automatically discovered.
In the event the token isn’t added automatically, you can manually add the token to be visible. Below, we provide details on how to do this for the MetaMask wallet.
To add $G7 to MetaMask, users must first add the G7 Network to their MetaMask wallet (other EVM compatible wallets also support the G7 Network and $G7 token). Once the network is added, they can then add the $G7 token
Learn how to add the $G7 token on Arbitrum to MetaMask. Follow our quick guide for easy token address integration.
Go to Settings > Networks > Add Network.
Enter the following details for Arbitrum:
Network Name: Arbitrum One
Chain ID: 42161
Currency Symbol: ETH
Block Explorer URL:
Click Save.
With MetaMask set to Arbitrum One:
Click on Assets and scroll down to Import tokens.
Under Custom Token, enter the Arbitrum contract address for $G7.
Contract Address: 0xF18e4466F26B4cA55bbAb890b314a54976E45B17
Confirm the token details and click Add Custom Token and Import Tokens.
You should now see the $G7 token under the Arbitrum network in your wallet.